James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

A Visit to the Ryan White Contracted Service Administration in San Bernardino - To Provide My Foundation Story to Prevent the targeted campaign of hate/harassment from reoccurring. Serious matters of discussion are required by the preponderance of the evidence! I demand my dignity returned, respect of my life honored, and a written commitment of change to be issued
2 messages

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 6:56 AM
To: "Anthony Brazier : Housing Coordinator" <abrazier@fapinfo.org>
Cc: Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP - 180° about face? <mtona@fapinfo.org>, Sue Lowe - Digital Content Manager Desert Aids Project <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>, Michael Muller Patient Experiences Manager Desert Aids Project <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>
Bcc: "#Timothy.Earl.Marable : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0003 Awesome!" , "Samuel Jesse Gruwup Pledged Lion Martinez : #Kramobone-The.Good : Student#0001A Awesome!" , "Key : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0001 Awesome!" , "Sammie Francher : First Knight Lion : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0002 Awesome!" , "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" , "William Jamal Wilson : First Lion Without Need Of Pledge : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0005 Awesome!" , "Chris : #Kramobone-The.Good Student#0004 Awesome!" ;

The Subject Title of this email is long:  It is fully titled as:

"A Visit to the Ryan White Contracted Service Administration in San Bernardino - To Provide My Foundation Story to Prevent the targeted campaign of hate/harassment from reoccurring. Serious matters of discussion are required by the preponderance of the evidence!  I demand my dignity returned, respect of my life honored, and a written commitment of change to be issued."

Note: There are BCC: addresses in this email.  The source persons' directory for those outgoing contacts is this labeled folder: [ #Kramobone-The.Good ]

Image URL:

I cannot see how this subject could be any more or less defined clearer to avoid any of your confusion.

You may assume an offensive posture, but you would be offended by nothing.

I have previously sent email to [ Maritza Tona ] that has been ignored with no response.

I have YouTube video presentations that are titled with Foothill Aids Project that has been ignored with no response.

On the use of the F-word as standards. It is a standard that is permitted to be a fully formed word on the leading professional's social media site of LinkedIn to be an included word for company names and user content field data.  That means the use of the word itself is not an offense to subject any correspondences to be ignored. You cannot take an offensive posture for having that word included in my correspondences and/or media presented to your organization. 

Such examples I provide three here:

and more examples can be found with these URLs of valid onsite current searches:

Search [ Company: Fuck ]
Search [ Company: Fucked Up ]

and the natural extension of a phrase I hold internet domain ownership to place content onto:

Quoted search [ Company: Fucked Up Human ] returns zero results.

That does not mean there are not companies that this phrase definition is not applicable to be affixed onto. [ triple not ] This subject matter that is mentioned in the title of this email has met its demise.  I mean #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP [ Google Search ].  You would insult my intelligence to carry on with ignorance at your defense side.  

Notable Match, an interface of social media support on MyHivTeam.com:

ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP and HIV | myHIVteam

    On Quora - A Question is already Asked "In Ryan White Care Act HIV/AIDS service agencies, there is a conflict of interest""... Full Question on Quora: In Ryan ...

    My correspondences to [ Maritza Tona ]  have been ignored.  They shall not be ignored.
    My YouTube presentations in the name of Foothill Aids Project [ Search Youtube ] have been ignored. They shall not be ignored.

    For that lack of response alone generates the need to apply the phrase definition that I hold ownership to place content onto the web in view of our entire collective online information society.  That would directly apply to Foothill Aids Project.  It has already been done.

    During my visit to the Ryan White Contracted Services Administration office today, I received two referral contacts for Foothill Aids Project.  I already have a history with Foothill Aids Project to enlighten them when I have a detailed discussion meeting with Ryan White Contracted Services Administration. That would be from the current year experiences and past year 2007.  These are both notable importance to relate to them.  I will have a meeting with them to the remedy of the subject of this email.

    The powers I hold over you is persuasive technology [ see entire video playlist presentation ] that I hold ownership onto.  These domain definitions are absolute. 

    A referenced URL in the name of a second-tier contact is fully valid to access the content stored under its definition standard.

    A new  Staff/ entry folder in the name of Anthony Brazier has been created and a copy of this email will be placed within that folder after it is sent.  This email shall not be ignored.

    There is a concern here that my interface with Gerrmo did not allow my real circumstances of life story to be incorporated into my mental health wellness and onto my case management.  It was obvious that there was a continued presence of bias against bringing this story forward.  WRONG DIRECTION OF CAUSE AND ACTION!

    I suspended my contracted services with Foothill Aids Project for a cause of no confidence and loss of trust.  I did not receive a response to my email disclosure that I provided in writing.  That was a mistake to not correspond to a standard operational process with me. That was a mistake to sick Gerrmo as a dysfunctional interface to avoid the Pandora's Box that social services opened many years ago.  It was an oversight of yours onto my resolve and commitment of these matters.  It is not my moral responsibility to the Pandora's box creations that are under the wings of #ConspiracyExposed.[ Google Search ]  These are not my faults, but yours that needs to be addressed properly.

    I will take to the limit of my capacity to the defunding of the Ryan White Care act sources [ if at all possible ] to the termination of this conspiracy and resolve of these matters.

    Do you hear me plainly and clearly?

    I have a facebook readdressing issues post --- that needs your attention, please.

    [ continues.... ]

    I have absolutely nothing to hide and everything to expose in this calamity that has created a Pandora's box of your industry's formation and the opening of that box a long while ago. 

    I have been a foundation source of complaint against the system that has generated actions against me to become subjected to hate/harassment and an informational quarantine that I cannot pass by without a commitment of absolutes.  Those absolutes are an agreement of commitments and change.  Those absolutes are to follow the words of Pope Francis call to our nation in front of Congress in September of 2015. 

    Watch YouTube Presentation: Words of Pope Francis Transcript Excerpt [ see entire video playlist presentation ]

    What is afoot to this disservice of client contracted social service interface is contrary to health outcomes that in 2007, your very own Doctor Howard Newsome of FAP writes a decree of an established vulnerability of my mental health and HIV health status.  It cannot be allowed to remain a roadblock to my life.  I forbid that disregard, disrespect and the dysfunctional argument of nonsense and silence you hold to this status quo paradigm that must change. 

    I write to Desert Aids Project relating these facts.

    [ This link has both written email copy and spoken voice narrative interface ]              
    [TXT] Gmail - Housing.html 
    25-Jun-2018 15:13 78K
    and I am not reserved in my attitude to not bring the truth forward.

    The remedy of this matter is absolute.


    James Martin Driskill
    San Bernardino, CA USA, The Earth
    owner of Realuphuman.net : Gruwup.net : fuckeduphuman.net

    These domains created in 2005 in view of the dysfunctional #ConspiracyExposed in HIV/AIDS Social Service Ryan White Care Agencies -- nationally systemic -- that is showing against the system in negative casting Glassdoor employee reviews of your industry's region to region to region social service agencies including Foothill Aids Project.  [ See Attachments ]

    The notables are Colorado Health Network [ personally experienced an 11-month hate and harassment campaign against me, glassdoor reviews appear on site 2 weeks after I had to leave town. This 6 months after the conclusion of my eviction.

    Hacked Version which has been Google "published approved" in Business Directory Site URL

    That display of business site, hacked from circumstances believed, is viewed as:

    Actual Screen Snapshot:

    The QR Scan code URL results:

    This review collaborates my accusations of conclusion I hold and name the source of targeted harassment against me was/is Jamie Villalobos, second in tier charge of Colorado Health Network.

    The Desert Aids Project email above-titled Gmail - Housing showing my resolve of a possible change of interface with social services in my projection to resolve in finding a new place to call home. This story will be brought forward.  I am not being ignored there.  I am being ignored here in my very hometown of San Bernardino.

    The observed problem is quite the detailed review of an employee author Glassdoor review to provide a perspective of structured organized leadership control and what happens from cause action retaliation against change.  The employee review for Cascade Aids Project in Portland Oregon.

    I had not yet discovered this employee review from 2015 for the Cascade region of Ryan White Care Act Funding Social Services when I terminated services with FAP for no confidence and loss of trust.  That generates my last written correspondences to your organization.

    Things have been exposed and thus things have changed to their remedy resolute is now at my reach.

    I may have a size limit issue in my delivery of this email.  If so, I will resend with a URL to its saved archived version.

    6 attachments

    Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 11:40 AM
    To: "Anthony Brazier : Housing Coordinator" <abrazier@fapinfo.org>
    Cc: Maritza Tona Exec Director FAP - 180° about face? <mtona@fapinfo.org>, Sue Lowe - Digital Content Manager Desert Aids Project <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>, Michael Muller Patient Experiences Manager Desert Aids Project <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>
    @gruwup.net : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

    This email replytoall: contains technology specification jargon. If you are lost in these specifications, it is not required to understand this email technology. 

    This is provided for friendly convenience to understand a technology presence that is coded in the email previously received. 

    Since my BCCs are fully aware of my capabilities, they are excluded from this notification of placement content of this email as addressed.  I will be removing the email addresses of the BCC list so they are not indexed by search index spider crawl,   You may want to understand the technology that is open definable on my triple domain-set for your understanding on how this might affect the contents that are archived under this web presence.

    This email is considered open public because it is stored in a web location that will be spider crawled soon and added to the search engine index.   

    About the name binding technology used on the triple domain name meme-complex: [ memeplex ] storage space:

    These are noted here with root [ non-subdomain name binding presence technology ] URL addressing, each individual exact URL addressing is specific and static to the content naming location.:

    Any text can be prefixed in the open subdomain definable namespace definition, I call this Name Binding Technology  

    Multi-worded single identity names should have separated words with a -- [ dash ]. 

    Example Is: John-James-Doe

    Individual relevant names can be coupled or grouped together along with any other text item assignment classification descriptors.  These should be separated by a . [ a period ].

    An example is:  John-James-Doe.Family-Forever.Jane-Chris-Doe

    The namespace is extremely long.  This is a valid content URL.  This example shows each item is exactly 10 characters long, you can count the space size for yourself.

    The Maximum namespace is approaching the limit with this given example URL and individual items, which can have words separated by - [ desh ] can occupy the entire namespace as a single item name definition.  Extremely rare usage for consideration as valid URL namespace.

    However, using dashes as word separators, it is my consideration rule that this method is a classification exclusion to be treated as multi-word name identities name binding that literally cast out of consideration for direct content subdomain name binding. This means that network administration is required to present content that is individually point to on subdomain addressing.  Without network administration, this open definable technology is basically open for any one person of the Internet to define individually relevant to their life dynamics.

    This is not a technology compliance rule exclusion, but an observance rule of order that I am applying.to a standard.  

    An example that does not comply with this rule is:   http://nextdoor-com.fuckeduphuman.net  - that exclusion adds the full Internet domain named with a - instead of a . -- The consequence that this rule consideration has index consequences that I did not consider in view of this definition before I made it, I have kept it as an exclusion classification noteworthy for new rule order considerations. In that::

    site:snakekeeper-tonymurphy.fuckeduphuman.net [ google search ] is not a subdomain pointing exclusive content folder, but content sourced from the root of fuckeduphuman.net, the index does not require the technology of a previously assigned SUBDOMAIN PRESENCE pointing to content folder definitions [ DNS ] to be considered for valid content indexing.  This is a test case that anyone of the universe can add to the index with open definable subdomain space, as they see fit to define the content within their own relevant life space.  In that, if a google verification file is offered to the administration of this network, I will place the verification file in the root directory of the domain, no problem.

    Without the dashes, the "crunch all together meme" naming method is a likely consideration to be subdomain definable technology as an object argument replacements assigned to any pointed targeted content, private or publicly found from the root of these triple domain name set presence on the web.

    For instance, the assigned network folder for #Kramobone-The.Good network member #Sammie.Lee.Francher is defined as http://gvonncii.gruwup.net/ which returns error 403 Forbidden.  This is because restriction to file directory contents is not authorized for * matched filename list retrievable queries.  This content considered a private sharing method, a content file URL known valid under that namespace can be shared and content served.  Example: http://gvonncii.gruwup.net/1st-Knight-Lion/ auto redirects to SoundCloud to play Skip Marley Lions. 

    This is tricky, that once the content is indexed to the surface web, content control can be asserted and established by the disappearance of the subdomain root classification.  An error 404 is returned for the content URL indexed.  This is the way content access can be controlled and changed to reflect a condition of trust or distrust ability with the content visibility in the direct name space binding presence technology.

    Once content is indexed to the search engine, it only holds content control once it is subdomain namespace defined.

    Such as http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net  can be unbound to non-existence.

    Would that be a nice result of this mpatapo knot binding reconciliation resolution -- a remedy of conflict contention?

    That is my goal point, at least in the technology that applies to this valid namespace.

    Do we understand the technology that is active in the URLs that are present in this email?

    You are welcome to ask questions --- I have no tutorial lessons on this subject yet produced for network members or the general public. 

    It is pretty simple, actually.

    Do you want web presence to be an active peace building partner?  

    @gruwup.net : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace
    [Quoted text hidden]