Hey There - I have been dealing With Jennifer Anne Brehme the Mental Health Director of Foothill Aids Project. [ http://fapinfo.org/our-team/ ]
You see, they [ the staff ] has been engaged in a campaign against clients. The staff has engaged in deception and direct lies to me instead of bringing forward the best agenda that actually the former Mental Health Director of FAP from 2007 placed a… read more
Hey There - I have been dealing With Jennifer Anne Brehme the Mental Health Director of Foothill Aids Project. [ http://fapinfo.org/our-team/ ]
You see, they [ the staff ] has been engaged in a campaign against clients. The staff has engaged in deception and direct lies to me instead of bringing forward the best agenda that actually the former Mental Health Director of FAP from 2007 placed a… read more
Hey There - I have been dealing With Jennifer Anne Brehme the Mental Health Director of Foothill Aids Project. [ http://fapinfo.org/our-team/ ]
You see, they [ the staff ] has been engaged in a campaign against clients. The staff has engaged in deception and direct lies to me instead of bringing forward the best agenda that actually the former Mental Health Director of FAP from 2007 placed a statement of mental health advocacy [ see link to letter below ] that this is a directly relevant situation has never been resolved. Also found is a Google Review for Foothill Aids Project San Bernardino placed about a year ago that states:
"Aaron Jacobson
Local Guide · 1 review
a year ago
This agency is FRAUDULANT in its services and practices when it
comes to serving the HIV population and utilizing Ryan White Funding. My
recommendation for any HIV client interested in signing with them is to
run as far and as fast as you can...they treat HIV consumers with
contempt and umprofessionlism."
It has been told to me that Aaron Jacobson is a member of the Inland Empire HIV Planning Council. You can check Google Review For Yourself.
Long Form Google URL: [ https://www.google.com/search?num=100&newwindow=1&source=hp&ei=ar-RW6qsOKvn0gKJu5cQ&q=foothill+aids+project+san+bernardino+ca&btnK=Google+Search&oq=foothill+&gs_l=psy-ab.3.0.35i39l2j0i131l2j0l2j0i131j0l3.1250.2921..4155...0.0..1.780.2655.3j2j0j1j1j1j1......0....1..gws-wiz.....0.RqlXhHC8rhs#btnK=Google%20Search&lrd=0x14e1b41963dd3a1b:0xdc764c09abc76363,1,,, ]
What this is showing is a lack of consideration and respect for clients that is extreme. Also, what is appearing on Glassdoor for Foothill Aids Project also is showing itself with negative outlook reviews from the employee's perspective. Actually, this problem seems to be embedded in negative outlook reviews on Glassdoor for the Ryan White Care Act social services field industry of non-profit agencies. There is a research directory that you can browse a collective research of these Glassdoor Reviews [ http://webdomains.realuphuman.net/glassdoor.com/HIV-AIDS-SERVICES-ORGANIZATIONS-EmployeeReviews/ ] --- and that Ms. Brehme is aware of my issues that I am attempting to resolve for which there is no resolve, only silence, lies, deceptions.
They are prevaricating from telling the absolute truth about this conspiracy exposed problem in the Ryan White Care Act that is nationally systemic. What this client wants is an acknowledgment of these circumstances to be brought forward into my case management. But they refuse to act professionally as the Google Reviewer states. There is something extremely fishy here and no one will actually discuss the matter. Ms. Brehme on Monday called me to inform me that my services at Foothill Aids Project was suspended and there will be a letter issued to this regard. No such letter has been received. This situation is far out of hand. I aim to make a correction that cannot be ignored by the assignment of this placement data record of evidence: [ http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net ] :
Note that this URL is valid and sets forth a standard that is established by the professional's networking site of LinkedIn whereby actual in-operation company names are allowed on that site with the F=Word fully spelled out. Such examples are: [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/fuck-cancer/ ], [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/fuck-yeah-astrophysics-/ ], [ https://www.linkedin.com/company/fucked-up-design/] to just name three. So, therefore, this review should stand within that standard and approved. You can check each of the resource URLs provided in this review for the validity of what is said here is the truth.
What should be followed is a letter issued from 2007 by the person who held the same position at Foothill Aids Project, Mental Health Director Doctor Howard Newsom. The advice of this letter should be taken into account and followed by the current situation is an extension of this same problem that never got resolved.
Please open this image to read the letter in full from Doctor Howard Newsome Written in 2007:
[ http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/MentalHealthAdvocacyLetterJan2007.jpg ]
There is a dysfunctional client interface established as a hate paradigm working against clients of the Ryan White Care Act non-profit social service agencies nationally systemic and the proof is found on Glassdoor. Thank you for reviewing this situation and approving this review. It is imperative that these circumstances are brought forward into the light from the darkness they currently reside. Besides the domain documentation placement @Fuckeduphuman.net, if i can get a review or two against here in a professional's site, maybe she will renounce the silence and actually come to the table in honesty to correct this situation approriately. Thank you for your understanding on how important it is to have this review approved.
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